
Saturday 27 April 2013

Islam life

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

All Praise to Allah.
For all the 'nikmat'.

lame doh  tok update blog nih.
And now.
I want to feeling feeling.

Now, our love country.
Busying with campaign to MENGUNDI on 5 MEI 2013.
Wo,  meriah giler kite tgok kat jalan-jalan kang.
There also talks, convo, events and so many else ways to campaign.

Alifah ko nok mengundi jugok ke?
No no
Saye tak cukup syarat lagi.
But as one of the citizen in this love country.
I just want to give my talks.

It all about our love country, Malaysia.
I love Malaysia.
I was so proud with...
Malaysia is the winner!!
Malaysia is peace country.
Malaysia is on top in economy.
Malaysia can live with many races.
Malaysia have great leader.
So many thing about Malaysia that I really pround.

For the Islam's Country.
For the peace country.
There something lack here...
Something less..
Which is islam life.
Kehidupan islam.
Aik, bukan ke kite ni dah ade dalam negara islam?
Ya betul, we are in islam's country.
But, what i means is..
Islam life.

Kehidupan yang memenuhi syariat islam.
Kehidupan yang penuh dengan ukhwah yang dibina kerana Allah.
Kehidupan yang sentiasa mengingatkan, mendekatkan diri kite dengan Allah.
Yea..I really dream to have this life.
But to have this life.
It not just depend on me, my family, my neighborhood.or my surrounding.
It also related with who are my leader for this country.
Our prophet, Nabi Muhammad saw is a a great leader that can inspired us to build Islam life.
So, it really important for us to choose a leader who can carry out the Islam life.

My love love book

Hero.written by my favourite author.Hilal Asyraf.
This book really inspired me to have true islam life in my country.
It really 'tarbiyah' myself to be a islam citizen.
It still be my hope now and forever.

It all just what have in my mind.
All the true comes from Allah.
And the mistake only from me.
Lets all together refresh ourself keh and looking for our great Leader.

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