
Saturday, 30 March 2013

Final sitting

Assalamualaikum wbt...

I'm sitting for the final now
Thanks God for all the "Nikmat"
One of them...good health.
The most important thing bile tme exam nih...
Care betul2
Always Du'a to Allah swt                
For giving the good health
To answer the exam smoothly..okeh :D

No too long post..
Just nak share Doa ni..
* kredit to Maria Elina
Bile kite dah sehabis pulun duk study kang...
At end tu...angkat tangan and Doa...

"Ya Allah ! sesungguhnya aku menitip ape yang aku baca, faham dan hafal kepadaMu .
Maka kembalikanlah ia kepadaku ketika aku memerlukannya.
Sesungguhnya engkau maha berkuasa di atas segala sesuatu."

In sha Allah ...
Dipermudah segala urusan kite okeh..

Let's get redha Allah.Let's Du'a together :D



Friday, 29 March 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt ...
Haloo sume..
How are you?
Hope you olls sume sihat wal afiat belake neh...hee
Alhamdulillah... I'm still here
I'm still have given the strenghnous from Allah swt
To write something in my post
And In sha Allah ..there's have advances to all of us too..

With the word Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
I will start my story the mory
As we can post title is Admire..right?
Hhehehh...Ko admire sape plak ni Alifah, jeng jeng
Orait...there no fall in love here...but just like my idol gituh..
Em okeh..Do you know Medya Sefira?
Medya Sefira..em mesti kenal kan...
Yang belakon dalam movie Ketika Cinta Bertasbih tu laa...
Adik kepada Azam names Ayatul Husna ..
Yang x kenal tu ...lps ni mesti kne serch you tube...okeh :D
Nk dijadikan cerita..
Yesterday ,  I was watching Bicara Selebriti 6 in you tube..
And one of the selebriti is Medya Sefira...
Before this , I already know about this girl..
But yesterday , make me lagi2  nk tau pasal Medya Sefira ni..hehe

I really 2 touching with her talks :'(
She did'nt make me cry but in word is KAGUM
Medya Sefira her name
An Engineer her job
a lecturer, her dream ...In sha Allah,soon.
A poet..her talent
And an actor Lillahitaala.
She always put Allah is the One in whatever field that she do.

Actually, she jumps into acting world because of her parent.
Her parent had heard about the audition of Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
And asked her to join the audition .
She  agreed with her parent.
And she  joined the audition.
Like what she said..
The judge need 24 person in the audition but they only found 23 person.
So, to short the story..Medya Sefira is the twenty forth person that choosen from the audition.
And what she prays is..

             Ya Allah Ya tuhanku ...jika di sinilah tempat yang terbaek 
untuk hamba mu ini 
maka engkau permudahkanlah, 
dan jika sebaliknya, 
maka engkau berilah tempat yang lagi baek yang sepatutnya aku berada.
(Kire camni la doanye)

Man jadda wa jadda
Dengan izin Allah she was choosen.
Look ... how strong the rule of du'a..kan
And yang penting mesti kene Ikhlas.Lillahitaala.

She is also very determine person. Sgt bersungguh2 dengan ape yang dia buat.
She focus in study when she act as student. She love enginering like her father.
She focus in acting when she act as actor.
If you want to know she was acting until 3 am and at 7 o'clock ..she need
Back to Bandung from Jakarta to full fill her duty as a student.
Everything is going smooth if Lillahitaala.:D

I salute this !!
She actually a passive person when she was child.
She said that, she was in white color  category which a passive children. 
She need to stay with different color to be active.
But her parent always give approached to her to achieve her talent by allowed her to join (lumba) or competition.
Her parent had taken  a good way for their children.
Yes, her parent was looking for their children future.
She alway do for make her parent happy and pround of her.
And now... she can come in front and give talk to many people. 

Here is Medya Sefira...

As conclusion...

  • Always makes our parent happy.
  • Don't forget to Du'a as our strenghnous.
  • Determination in what ever we do.

Alifah!! you have to take note this!!
And you guys...Let be a better person then tomorrow.
Sebagai saudara seislam..kite mesti saling memperingati ..right?
Ape tunggu lagi...Let's practice..
Slow..slow and yg penting istiqomah..keh:D

Jazakallahu Khairan Kasira 
( semoga Allah limpahkan kamu kebaikan sebanyak- banyaknya ):D

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Real Test

Assalamualaikum wbt...kenkawan :D

This heart was shouting so loudly...Alifahhhhhhh post something please  please :'(
Although, tomorrow I have to sit for a Plant Material's test.
I was done make my pocket notes >,< yeaa..alhamdulillah
And now, time to MUHASABAH DIRI :G 

"Allah tidak akan menimpakan sesuatu ujian kepada hambaNYA melebihi kesanggupan hamba tersebut"

Setiap dari kite mesti pernah menduduki macam-macam ujian dari Allah kan?
Kalau test yang kite duk prepare dgn baca buku segunung ,buat pocket note bagai..><me:D tu untuk kecemerlangan dunia jadi ape yg kite prepare to success for akhirah.<tye diri sendiri, ape ko buat Alifah?
Untuk ape Allah bagi ujian tu, kalau bukan test hamba-hambaNYA samaada Lulus ujian untuk masuk syurga , In sha Allah ataupun Failed!! maka tergolongla dlm calon-calon penghuni neraka.Nauzubilla
< Ya Allah minta dijauhkan kami >
Biase kite dengar kan..Allah takkan uji kite melebihi keupayaan kite tuk to face it.

Allah swt kenal setiap hamba-hambaNYA. Allah tahu  keupayaan hamba-hambaNYA
Yup, Allah tahu ape yang terbaek untuk kite, thats why la Allah bagi ujian tu untuk uji setabah , secekal , sekuat manakah kite dlm menumpuh cobaan tu.
Different person with different test.
How great Allah plan all that things?..very smooth..very means for us. Maha Suci Allah.

I have face all that things too. All the test make me very close to Allah.
Everytime when I in difficult situation..I will up my hand and pray to Allah.
Pray..pray and  a lot...and never forget to say Astaghfirullahalazim.
In Sha Allah...all is well :D

                           Fainnama al usri yusra'
                  "Setiap kesusahan ada kemudahan"

Setiap masalah pasti ade penyelesaiannya, tapi cara yg kite ambil untuk settlekn masalah tu yang jd penentu cepat atau lambat ujian tu selesai. Don't think a lot just close to Allah and In Sha Allah..we will find the way.

If Allah brings you to it, He will help you go through it as long as you remember Him in every single step.

 I remaind my self too. :"(
* Be strong Alifah..Sesungguhnya Allah bersamamu.

 Let's be a better than yesterday.Let's pray for the safe world :D

Saturday, 16 March 2013


In the name of Allah.The Most Benificent and Merciful.

I would like to talk about hijab tonight.wehee
As we know, hijab merupakan material yang kite gune untuk cover kite punye head.
Nowadays, there are so many types of hijab yang dijual di paso-paso malam, shopping-shoping complex and butik-butik.Most beautiful , colourful and cumiest2 semuanya. <Sapa rambang mata nok pilih hok ane se..><

*Tgok2, ni baru tudong bawal kot
Many things we can story de mory about hijab.
But here I just want to share my talks about  hijab.
There something I feel when I wear my hijab.
It is in the one word  which is SAFE.
Yes! The safe come firts when I wear the hijab.
Hijab is my protecter. My strenghnous.My bodyguard.
What can I say is hijab is one of myself.
But the really important when wearing the hijab,
I was fullfill my duty as a muslimah and patuh suruhanNYA.

“....dan janganlah mereka (perempuan beriman) memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh 
mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher 
bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka.....”(An-Nur : 31)

Sesunggohnya, hijablah yang melambang diri kite, siape kite,
The way we were the hijab.
whether it right or the wrong way...
Are we follow the islam rules?
check ourself..muhasabah diri .
Our mission in wearing the hijab is to get redha Allah.
If there have some mistake in our tudung fashion.
So how  kite nak dapatkan redha Allah if we not follow the guide, right?
open our mind, our heart and think carefully keh
Lets make a change...@_@

Maria Elina

Aisyah Syakirah

Dena Bahrin

Heliza Helmi

They are muslimah who proudly wear their tudung in their own style 
But still follow the guidence.
Honestly , I admire them so much.:D
They have their own personality, own background but in one faith.
Which is Islam.
Knowing them make me close to Allah swt and our Prophet Muhammad saw.

*hijab lover:)

It is so late now.
I have to stop my typing although I still have many things to share.
Thanks to Allah for this opportunity.
All the right from Allah and the mistake just from this typing girl.

Lets top up our Iman :DDD

Friday, 8 March 2013

I'm strong

Assalamualaikum Ya Akhi Ya Ukhti :)

  Mood writting is coming.... yeayyy!!!
*  woit assignment dh ciap ke blum? belumlaaa... amik mood jap,hehehh

 " Dan apabila hamba-hambaKU bertanya kepadamu mengenai Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku  sentiasa hampir kepada mereka. Aku perkenankan permohonan orang yang berdoa kepadaKu.Maka hendaklah mereka menyahut seruanku dan beriman kepadaKU."
Surah Al Baqarah, ayat :186

In sha Allah, I will finish my part two in dip. landscape architecture in this April 4. 
A lot of things happen in this semester..
Whatever it is good or bad...I done face it..yuhuuu
Did strong I am  to face all that things?
No no ... I can't be strong without
Yup!...with Allah help...
In the each of the difficult time...
Near to Allah
Pray to Allah
Make all the Allah want especially in solat.
Yes!!  we very busying with our assignment, project n bla bla
 But..plez plez care our solat
Don't left our subuh, zohor, asar , maghrib and ishak
"Tidakk asingment blum ciap agi, mane sempat nak solat"
Mane lagi penting urusan dgn manusia ke urusan dengan Allah
pikir pikir kan laaa yee
Samaada kite sedar atau tak...
Allah always with us for all the time
"Ye ke..x rase pon Allah ade ngan aku"
Alifah tipu tipuuu...
Dalam surah al baqarah ayat 186, Aku sentiasa hampir kepada mereka.Maka hendaklah mereka menyahut seruanKu dan beriman kepadaKu.
Jd kalau nak rase Allah dekat dengan kite...Kite sahutla seruan DIA. 
In sha Allah , we can feel that  Allah close with us for all time we breath.
What happen if we close to Allah ?
the greatest thing will happen...jeng jeng jeng
We will much care our solat
We will cover up our self with nice cloth
We will take care of our batas between boy n girl
And yang paling best..
We  will always think Allah in whatever we want to do

Don't forget to always lend our hand and du'a to Allah 
Du'a for everything
Give us protection
Give us strenghnous
Show us the right way
Make easier for all the things that we should do

Right kan our niat in studying , working , acting , swimming n sume perkara la
Make sure all that is lillahi taala
In sha Allah , we will get keberkatan fit dunia wal akhirah.

I think this is the time i should make a fullstop.
All the true, comes from Allah and all the mistaken comes from this caliph of Allah.
Yes! I still learn and always learn, in sha Allah
*My site for Final Project at SgSegget, Johor Bahru...Gud Luck Alifah :D

Let's up our IMAN.kbai :)