
Friday, 29 March 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt ...
Haloo sume..
How are you?
Hope you olls sume sihat wal afiat belake neh...hee
Alhamdulillah... I'm still here
I'm still have given the strenghnous from Allah swt
To write something in my post
And In sha Allah ..there's have advances to all of us too..

With the word Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
I will start my story the mory
As we can post title is Admire..right?
Hhehehh...Ko admire sape plak ni Alifah, jeng jeng
Orait...there no fall in love here...but just like my idol gituh..
Em okeh..Do you know Medya Sefira?
Medya Sefira..em mesti kenal kan...
Yang belakon dalam movie Ketika Cinta Bertasbih tu laa...
Adik kepada Azam names Ayatul Husna ..
Yang x kenal tu ...lps ni mesti kne serch you tube...okeh :D
Nk dijadikan cerita..
Yesterday ,  I was watching Bicara Selebriti 6 in you tube..
And one of the selebriti is Medya Sefira...
Before this , I already know about this girl..
But yesterday , make me lagi2  nk tau pasal Medya Sefira ni..hehe

I really 2 touching with her talks :'(
She did'nt make me cry but in word is KAGUM
Medya Sefira her name
An Engineer her job
a lecturer, her dream ...In sha Allah,soon.
A poet..her talent
And an actor Lillahitaala.
She always put Allah is the One in whatever field that she do.

Actually, she jumps into acting world because of her parent.
Her parent had heard about the audition of Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
And asked her to join the audition .
She  agreed with her parent.
And she  joined the audition.
Like what she said..
The judge need 24 person in the audition but they only found 23 person.
So, to short the story..Medya Sefira is the twenty forth person that choosen from the audition.
And what she prays is..

             Ya Allah Ya tuhanku ...jika di sinilah tempat yang terbaek 
untuk hamba mu ini 
maka engkau permudahkanlah, 
dan jika sebaliknya, 
maka engkau berilah tempat yang lagi baek yang sepatutnya aku berada.
(Kire camni la doanye)

Man jadda wa jadda
Dengan izin Allah she was choosen.
Look ... how strong the rule of du'a..kan
And yang penting mesti kene Ikhlas.Lillahitaala.

She is also very determine person. Sgt bersungguh2 dengan ape yang dia buat.
She focus in study when she act as student. She love enginering like her father.
She focus in acting when she act as actor.
If you want to know she was acting until 3 am and at 7 o'clock ..she need
Back to Bandung from Jakarta to full fill her duty as a student.
Everything is going smooth if Lillahitaala.:D

I salute this !!
She actually a passive person when she was child.
She said that, she was in white color  category which a passive children. 
She need to stay with different color to be active.
But her parent always give approached to her to achieve her talent by allowed her to join (lumba) or competition.
Her parent had taken  a good way for their children.
Yes, her parent was looking for their children future.
She alway do for make her parent happy and pround of her.
And now... she can come in front and give talk to many people. 

Here is Medya Sefira...

As conclusion...

  • Always makes our parent happy.
  • Don't forget to Du'a as our strenghnous.
  • Determination in what ever we do.

Alifah!! you have to take note this!!
And you guys...Let be a better person then tomorrow.
Sebagai saudara seislam..kite mesti saling memperingati ..right?
Ape tunggu lagi...Let's practice..
Slow..slow and yg penting istiqomah..keh:D

Jazakallahu Khairan Kasira 
( semoga Allah limpahkan kamu kebaikan sebanyak- banyaknya ):D

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