This heart was shouting so loudly...Alifahhhhhhh post something please please :'(
Although, tomorrow I have to sit for a Plant Material's test.
I was done make my pocket notes >,< yeaa..alhamdulillah
And now, time to MUHASABAH DIRI :G
"Allah tidak akan menimpakan sesuatu ujian kepada hambaNYA melebihi kesanggupan hamba tersebut"
Setiap dari kite mesti pernah menduduki macam-macam ujian dari Allah kan?
Kalau test yang kite duk prepare dgn baca buku segunung ,buat pocket note bagai..><me:D tu untuk kecemerlangan dunia jadi ape yg kite prepare to success for akhirah.<tye diri sendiri, ape ko buat Alifah?>
Untuk ape Allah bagi ujian tu, kalau bukan test hamba-hambaNYA samaada Lulus ujian untuk masuk syurga , In sha Allah ataupun Failed!! maka tergolongla dlm calon-calon penghuni neraka.Nauzubilla
< Ya Allah minta dijauhkan kami >
Biase kite dengar kan..Allah takkan uji kite melebihi keupayaan kite tuk to face it.
Allah swt kenal setiap hamba-hambaNYA. Allah tahu keupayaan hamba-hambaNYA
Yup, Allah tahu ape yang terbaek untuk kite, thats why la Allah bagi ujian tu untuk uji setabah , secekal , sekuat manakah kite dlm menumpuh cobaan tu.
Different person with different test.
How great Allah plan all that things?..very smooth..very means for us. Maha Suci Allah.
I have face all that things too. All the test make me very close to Allah.
Everytime when I in difficult situation..I will up my hand and pray to Allah.
Pray..pray and a lot...and never forget to say Astaghfirullahalazim.
In Sha Allah...all is well :D
Fainnama al usri yusra'
"Setiap kesusahan ada kemudahan"
Setiap masalah pasti ade penyelesaiannya, tapi cara yg kite ambil untuk settlekn masalah tu yang jd penentu cepat atau lambat ujian tu selesai. Don't think a lot just close to Allah and In Sha Allah..we will find the way.
If Allah brings you to it, He will help you go through it as long as you remember Him in every single step.
I remaind my self too. :"(
* Be strong Alifah..Sesungguhnya Allah bersamamu.
Let's be a better than yesterday.Let's pray for the safe world :D
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