
Monday, 18 November 2013

tok oh tok

Assalamualaikum sahabat,

Ade org cakap tido tak lena kalu dh kemaruk cinte ye?
haishh, cam pelik je ayt aku ni..
bace sambungannye...
ni haa cik alipah pule nk ckp, kite bole tido selena-lenanye kalu dh demam melande.
yes or no? tepuk dade tnyelah iman ye
one day jd puteri beradu.
Alhamdulillah, I feel much better now.

Entah kenape hati ni terkinje-kinje nk cite pasal tok.
Bukan ape, I have something interesting to share about tok
dan mugkin ade yg kene mengene dengan yg seangkatan tok jugak.
Maybe yg kite ank mude ni tak perasan pon selama ni.
Ceritanye bermuleee..jeng jeng, kasi suspen sikit!!hihi

dua ari yang lepas
pagi2 lagi
tok ade ajok aku pegi ziarah kawan diye.
takdela..jauh sgt pon.
kt kg kejil je pon.dlm 15 minit sampai je.
nk cari kgnye  mmg takde masalah bg aku.
 ye la..byk je signboard tepi jln tu.
tp nk cari yg mne satu rumah kawan tok ni.
ni yg masalah.
haishh, alipah..ko ckp cam ade masalah beso sgt je.
takdela..kecik punye hal jelaa..
malu betanye, sesat jalan...tak gitu kwn2 sume
tok aku ni mmg sgt2 la suke bertanye orgnye.
akhirnye, jumpe la juge rumah kwn tok tu.

kedatangan kami disambut sgt2 le baek olh tuan rumah.
tak rase cam pegi ziarah org sakit pon ade.
mane taknye sampai2 je dh dijemput makan.
tok aku ni mmg suke bercakap orgnye.
kalah zizan yg suke pot pet pot pet tuh.
tok aku ni, duduk je ..start la mcm2 cerite darinye.
tak henti2..sampai tuan rumah jenuh duk suruh mkn.
tp tok aku ni kalu tak berckap bkn tok la namenye
hee, lawak gak tgok gelagat dua sahabat nih.
ni part yg menarik nk share.
kalu kite ank mude yg lame tak jumpe,
topik hangat yg dibual mesti..
ko buat ape skrg ni..?
aku tnam anggur jela
fuyoo, makin lawo le kau,
haish mane ade..kau pon ape kurgnye..
n bla bla bla
tp camne pule topik org tue yang lame tak jumpe..
mesti jarang sgt kite dengo kan.
janggal je rase dek telinge ni.
dalam loghat teganu..>>>
Pok Mat tu takdok doh...
Pok Man tu ade dok agi?
Pok Ngoh dok doh sihat lening(sekarang)
haa, kire cam ni la topik diorg.
truely, depa bole ckp tanpa ada sekelumit resah di wajah depa.
rilek je..santai je.. sempoi je..
ckp sambil makan ubi kayu pon bole..
Malah, depa lagi excited nk ziarah kwn depa yg kurang sihat tuh.
Abis, kite yg muda ni...
camne pulak rasenye..
refresh ourself keh.

another topik hangat,
nk tau ape..?
haa, konfirmla pasal cucu cicit kan.
excited je tok ckp diye dh ade 30 org cucu dan 7 org cicit.
Mak oih, bole tahan super gak tok aku niye...
Kawan tok tu pon ape kurangnye..
cucu diye, Ya Allah comelnye, macam anak mak salleh pon ade.
Ye la kan ciptaaan Allah swt.
semua hebat hebat belake.

Oke, kami dah nk balik.
Balik bukan dgn tangan kosong.
Tu la ye, macam tok kate,
berkat ziarah org sakit..
in sya Allah di murahkan rezki.
Kwn tok siap bagi satu karung beg plastik yg isi beras tuh.
isinye bkn le beras kwn- kwn
tapi satu sikat pisang, satu batang pucuk keladi, beberape biji ubi kayu
dan ade lagi..2 biji buah nyior.
tak lupe juge
tiga biji pau..
Alhamdulillah, may Allah bless them.

Ni la Tok
Kalu, ajak tok begambo, mmg malu malu kucing la tok ni,,
last2 ni la pose terbaek tok.
tgok beg tok tu. kemain gi merah menyale ye.
bile aku puji , "lawo beg tok".
sengih je tok
"beg org bagi". tok jwb.hee

Tapi tu la kan, gelagat mereka yg dah lebih byk asam garam dari kite.
Sometimes, kalu kite duduk sembang2 dengan  depa,
byk sangat cite yg depa nk kongsi.
Dan byk sgt nasihat yg depa nk kasi.
just be a good listener.
jangan le pule cepat melatah kalu kene tegur ye.

Sapa disini je la cot cet cot cet cik alipah ye.
Bagi yang muda mudi
termasuklah saye juge, muda lg rasenye kn?hee

let's take care our grandma or granpa's heart.
let's give our  most beautiful smile for them.
let's pray for their good health.

sayang tok.Alifahwahab.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Being a child

Assalamualaikum sahabat :)

Ya Allah lamenye tak cot cet cot cet kat sni.
Lame menyepi..
cewahh! alipah ayat kau mcm artis buat comeback je..hohoiii
Tgok title kat atas tu...
yep!! sume org mesti pernah lalui zaman kegemilangan time kanak2 dulu kan...
wahhh rindunyeee...
time kecik2 dulu takde bende laen lagi dah dlm kepale ni
asyik nk main je..
dah tu je hobinye nk buat camne..huhu
keluar pagi, amik kau!! time senje baru nmpk batang hidung kt rumah.
dh same taraf dgn org pi keje dah.hee
Hermm, tp tu dulu punye zaman.
And nowadays, totally different then our pass time.
yela.. adek2 kite yg kecik nak main luar rumah pon mak2 dah memekik suruh balik.
Ape nk buat , tu naluri seorg ibu.
bimbang ank2 depe merayau luar rumah.
yep, zaman skrg ni, mmg byk cabaran kn.
budak2 jd mangsa org yg lebih dewasa dari mereka.
walhal, kitelh yg sepatutnye, melindungi diaorg.
Yep!! we should aware of their safety.
bole sya Allah.

sebut je pasal kanak2.
mesti ade mcm2 kerenah kan.
ade yg nakal2ckit, ad yg baik je, sopan je...
lg best ade yg malu2 kucing cam cik alipah kite ni kan..
ye ke? tepuk dada tanye iman je la..huhu
saye mmg ade ramai adek2 sepupu yg kecik2..
umur baru setahun jagung je depe ni.
kalo kumpul ramai2 mmg riuh dari pasar malam lagi..
tp, yg best nye..
rase hepy je time ngn diorg.
abis hilang sume stress.
amboi!! ckp cam ade tekanan perasaan pulak aku nih.
betul org ckp kanak2 mmg jujur.
they laugh sepuas puasnye when they was hepy
and cry semahu mahunye time diorg sedih.
sedih sgt ke diorg nih..
nangih sebab tak dpt ape yg depe nk adelaa..i can read u bebehh!!!
percaye atau tak..
I am fully being a child character time ngn diorg.
mane taknye, siap bole main kejar2 lagi, main tumbuk2 lagi la super best..hihi
ade pulak jenis suke dukung2 plak..
layan je la kak oi..hee
mmg tak letih langsung lyn kerenah depe ni.
and something yg I love to share is,,
depe ni sangat2la excited when they get our attention.
suke sgt bile kite buat ape yg diorg suke buat.
contohnye, depe main tembak2 .kite pon ikut join sekaki.
mmg sengit la sgt org beso lwn bdk2..hihi
tp, haa ni yg part yg penting nih.. main2 jugakk
sometimes kalu depe overaction.. time tula
kite masuk jarum..haishh bukan nk mengorat.
tapi,bagi nasihat..haa
tengah2 main tu, "ehhh..haikal jgn buat camtu kat adek ..tak baek"
amik kau! nk sgt main ngan cik alipah ni, dpt ceramah free.hee
yep! tula sebenarnye tanggungjawab kite.
Ingatkan depe..time depe lupe.
tunjuk ajar kat diorg, mane yg betul dan mane yang salah.
barula dapat title 2 in 1 kan..package!!huhu

potrait bersame mereka. :)

At last, love them , close to them,  remind them , and learn something from them.
All the true comes from Allah swt, and the lack comes from this slow typer.
May Allah bless us for what ever we do.
Everything is start from our heart. Be kind of person. And you will be hepy for it soon.
In sya Allah.

Love kids.Aliahwahab.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Diary Aw: Semester break

Assalamualaikum wbt

lamenye tak mencoret tulisan kat sini.
But this night.
Allah swt give this chance.
This spirit.
Alhamdulillah for all the nikmah.

I was already honeymoon  for semester break
about two month.
bestnyer cutiee..yea
My beloved family and me.We had a lot of time together.
Layan kerenah all my adeks.
My rutin.
Quite same.
Help my ummi.
Took my adeks from school.
Sometimes, cook to them.
n bla bla...
Really enjoy with them.

My forth adek, Siti Aisyah.

                                                            sibling lover.alifah.

I also spend a lot of time with my girlsfriends...
After we busying in study.
Struggle for exam.
Finally, with Allah's permission.
We met.
Have a good day together.
Talks more story.
And as girls..
we never can run from...
talking about our bodyshape...haha
That normal keh..
But , the most impotant thing is..
we can close our ukhwah.

Sabda Rasulullah saw,

Sesiapa ingin yang kurniakan kebaikan kepadanya.
Nescaya Allah kurniakannya seorang teman yang setia.yang solih.
Sekiranya dia terlupa(lalai).
Dia menolong memberi ingatan.
Dan apabila teman itu mengingatkannya.
ia akan menolongnya.

And Alhamdulillah.
Allah give me teman - teman yang setia.
Till now, although we have own life out there.
But, we never forget each other.
Truely , I love them lillahitaala.

my adek super duper hepy!!

in peace.

my adek really love my friend.

On teacher's day

jogging atas buian

when we meet


we have a picnic.

suapan manje

org kuat.hee

berarak. n smile.


Their hepiness is my hepiness.
I really want to put a smile on their face.
Everyday. if I can.
yeahh.miss them.

With my relative.
We also have a good time  altogether.

with my extra excited cousin

lauk lauk wajib teganu kite.

bbq time.

 wait for the cik ayam 

Thanks to Allah for all that you give to me.
they really means to me.

O Allah ...
rahmatilah kami.
lindungilah kami dari segala kejahatan.
berkatilah rezki kami.
mantapkan ukhwah kami.
berilah kami kehidupan islam yang engkau redhai.


salam sayang alifah buat semua.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Diary AW : Drive.Kelulut .Makan


Camne dengan ari korang sume...?
Hopefully bereh belake keh.

Sibuk duk tanye org.
Ko camne alipah?
ni nok cite la nih..

Ptg takdi abi ade call umi.
Bla bla bla..
Entoh ape diorg duk bebual.
At the end.
Umi said...
Kunci abi hilang.
Meh g ato kunci spare ke abi.
Ape lagi..
Mulut aku start la pot pet..pot pet.
aish cangne bole ielang...
Tak puah ati
aku tanye agi umi.
Siyeh ea umi..kunci abi ielang
Umi kabo..
siyeh ea ni...jom g
kat ane mi?
kat Marang.
Jauh le jugok dari tempat aku...
tp takpe..bapak punye pasal.
(dalam ati..huyee bole g jalang- jalang)
menyelam minum air sungguh la mu ni alipah..hee
Aku drive.Umi duk sebeloh.
Lalu jalan kampong.
Mak oi !
Byok betui halangan.
Antaranya :

        Doh le tok paka topi.
        Bawok moto plak tok pandang kiri kanan dahhh.
        Maen redoh je.
        rilek2 alipah.
   2.   LEMBU.

        Ko ni alipah, dengan binatang pon bekira...pirahh.
        Mintak ampun Encik/Puan lembu.
        Laen kali nak linas jalan tu bagi la signal ke ape ke.
        Ataupon pakai la pakaian ceroh cikit.
        Heheh..ape aku melalut nih.


        Ini litar ea..bukan sebarang litar..
        Litar kampong...kehh
        Memang jalangnye bebelok beleko sekali..
        Betul, rase cam  drive kt litar fomule one pon ade..hihi


Setelah pelbagai rintangan aku rintangi.
Alhamdulillah, sapa jugok kt tempat abi.
Sapa je.
Parking kate.
Abi duk ajok pulak p Kelulut.
Umi doh senyum melebor ke telinga.
Aku bebelah bagi.nok g ke takboh
aku ikut gok.heheh
saje nok kacau org dating..hehehh
Mr and Mrs

Kelulut..Kelulut here I come..
aku plak feeling lebih.
Betul. Lame beno aku tak mai sini.
Subhanallah..pata nye lawo gilerr.
Biru beralun. Cantek!!
Kat sane mmg bnyok la chalet2.
Mmg strategik tempatnye.
Betul2 main way orang yg mai dari KL ke, Pahang ke, Kelate ko.
teringat plak kat satu chalet nih.
Semarak Aruni Inn ..Kalo x silap aku laa.
Mase form 2 dulu. Aku pernoh ade kem situh.
Macam2 moment la yg aku lalui.
Tu touching ckit nih..hee

Abi aku mengidan mee udang agoknye.
Tu yang mimpi mai sini tuh.
Tapi takde rezki kot.
Kedai yg jual mee udang sodap tu tutup plak.
Tapi takpe.
Hidup perlu diteruskan.
Cewahh..ayat penyedap hati.
P kedai laen lak.
Jupela kedai Tom yam Merchang nih.
Menu popular nye kot. MAGGI KETAM.
TU diyee signbord nyee..

Pekataan maggi tu.dah muak aku dengo.
Tapi MAGGI + KETAM sodap je..
hati aku teloncat loncat nok cobe..
Lagi pulok aku doh lame tok belasoh ketam.hehehh
untuk pengatahuan sume.Umi aku doh pesan nasi.
Tapi aku tak tahan lagi...ingin Maggi Ketam( cm nyanyi plak)
Nok rase jugok.
Sungguh aku teliur! sebelah meja aku..
satu meje, duk besoh ketam.
Aku pon tanpa segan dan silunye memesan Maggi Ketam walau dh abis sepinggn nasi.hee
Trubat jua kempunan di hati..falsafah jap.hehehh
Tgok ni diaaa MAGGI KETAM


Betol la ni..
Aku tok saloh upload gambo..hihi
Mmg ni je untuk tatapan korang.
Saje amik gambo magkuk ngan kulit ketam.
Untuk mengelakkan anda semua dijangkiti VIRUS TELIUR.
kih..kih kih..
Rasenye betol2 cam mee kari.
eh eh bukan mcm doh..memang kuah kari pon.
dicampur ngn Maggi plus elor and sayur2 ckit.
Simple but kreatif!

Gendang gendut tali kecapi.
Kenyang perut.
Senyum ke gigi.
Hee..betul ke..lantokle..

Singgoh surau.
Solat asar.
Jupe nih.
Tempat rehat.

Mungkin bagi korang..
Ahh biase je..tempat duduk  je pon.
But for me
It is Unique.Classic.Nice.
Sume adelaaa.

return. back home.
Satu je.
Tak singgah Kelulut Beach.
Ari doh lewat.
Umi tnye.
 awk bole mandu dok sorang.
umi naik ngn cik abg ye.
Aku jawab.
Oke je.
oke la sgttt.
Jalan kampong.
Gelap weh.
Just alone.
Ape lagiii.

And Alhamdulillah
All is going smooth with Allah help.
Ye la.
Tgoh mandu tu...
duk Du'a
Ya Allah.. Berila aku kekuatan. ulang 2 3 4 kali

And remind this...

La Takhaf Wa La Tahzan. Innallaha Ma’ana
“Janganlah kamu takut dan janganlah kamu bersedih hati. Sesungguhnya Allah ada bersama kita”

That's all my little story that Allah plan for me.Subhanallah.
Let's love Allah swt and Rasulullah saw.
Let's pray for the Islam religion.


Saturday, 27 April 2013

Islam life

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

All Praise to Allah.
For all the 'nikmat'.

lame doh  tok update blog nih.
And now.
I want to feeling feeling.

Now, our love country.
Busying with campaign to MENGUNDI on 5 MEI 2013.
Wo,  meriah giler kite tgok kat jalan-jalan kang.
There also talks, convo, events and so many else ways to campaign.

Alifah ko nok mengundi jugok ke?
No no
Saye tak cukup syarat lagi.
But as one of the citizen in this love country.
I just want to give my talks.

It all about our love country, Malaysia.
I love Malaysia.
I was so proud with...
Malaysia is the winner!!
Malaysia is peace country.
Malaysia is on top in economy.
Malaysia can live with many races.
Malaysia have great leader.
So many thing about Malaysia that I really pround.

For the Islam's Country.
For the peace country.
There something lack here...
Something less..
Which is islam life.
Kehidupan islam.
Aik, bukan ke kite ni dah ade dalam negara islam?
Ya betul, we are in islam's country.
But, what i means is..
Islam life.

Kehidupan yang memenuhi syariat islam.
Kehidupan yang penuh dengan ukhwah yang dibina kerana Allah.
Kehidupan yang sentiasa mengingatkan, mendekatkan diri kite dengan Allah.
Yea..I really dream to have this life.
But to have this life.
It not just depend on me, my family, my neighborhood.or my surrounding.
It also related with who are my leader for this country.
Our prophet, Nabi Muhammad saw is a a great leader that can inspired us to build Islam life.
So, it really important for us to choose a leader who can carry out the Islam life.

My love love book

Hero.written by my favourite author.Hilal Asyraf.
This book really inspired me to have true islam life in my country.
It really 'tarbiyah' myself to be a islam citizen.
It still be my hope now and forever.

It all just what have in my mind.
All the true comes from Allah.
And the mistake only from me.
Lets all together refresh ourself keh and looking for our great Leader.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Fitrah Wanita Anggun

Assalamualaikum wbt..
Apo kabo sume?
Arap - arap ok  semuanya keh..
Moga-moga kite sume berada dalam lindungan Arash Allah senantiasa..:)
Today is my last paper..yeyy
Alhamdulillah , evething is going smooth.

And now time to Muhasabah Diri.
Tadi , saya ade tonton youtube...
Tetiba rase nak dengar Ustazah Fatimah Syarha talks.
Subhanallah , I was really stunned with the caliph of Allah.
Her talks really touched me.
She's very soft spoken but much assertive at the same time.
She was talk about Fitrah Anggun Wanita.
She make me proud for being a muslimah.
And honestly , she's really inspired me for being a better person.

She  said that..
Our mission in this world is for being a caliph of Allah.
As a caliph of Allah, we have duties to prosper this earth of Allah.

As a muslimah.
We have a lot of duty.
As a children , as a sha Allah , and the most important thing as a Islam's devotees.
Muslimah is like a roses flower.
Sukar untuk didekati.
Sebab dirinya ada penghadang yang teguh.
Macam tu jugak seorang muslimah.
Seorang muslimah mesti ada penghadang yg kuat.
Untuk lindung diri tu dari anasir - anasir yang berbahaya.

Ustazah Fatimah Syarha was giving Fatimah bt Muhammad saw as example.
Fatimah bt Muhammad saw.
Who was not know her.
Putri kepada seorang kekasih Allah.
Fatimah is a wife , a children , and a islam fighter.
Many story about  Fatimah bt Muhammad that she share.

Fatimah yang menjaga ayahandanya ketika Rasulullah saw sakit.
Fatimah yang merawat pejuang - pejuang islam.
Fatimah yang menyimpan perasaan terhadap Ali RA , namun berpegang dengan kalimah

                                                               La Taqrabu Zina
                                                           (jangan dekati zina)

Sehingga Allah swt menjodohkan Ali RA dengan Fatimah Az Zahra.
Fatimah yang mengelilingi kaabah sebanyak 70 kali semata-mata untuk mendapatkan
keredhaan suaminya Ali RA.
Fatimah yang berpendirian teguh .
Fatimah yang membersihkan najis yang dilempar oleh musuh islam ketika nabi sedang sujud.
Fatimah is one of the Muslimah icon.
Truely, I can see this character on Ustazah Fatimah Syarha too.

May Allah bless them :)

There many thing that I should achieve for being a good muslimah.
To get title Wanita Anggun.
Bukan mudah.
Lagi-lagi dalam keadaan dunia yang banyak sangat godaan.
But , I have to get it.
Cause I'm a caliph of Allah.
All the caliph of Allah need to carry the duty.
Untuk memakmurkan alam ini.

Let's pray for the safe world.Let's be a great muslimah.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Women blogger or Muslimah blogger

Assalamualaikum wbt...

I'm  still here
To sharing something useful for us
In sha Allah

I was open Langit Ilahi website  and I found something IMPORTANT to share
Dengo cam serious je kang...
Xdela..cume peringatan sesame kite je keh :)
Nowadays..there so many muslimah blogger right?
Including me too
I also achieve myself to be a muslimah blogger know what there have a rule to a true muslimah blogger.

In Al Quran, Allah said :

"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram) dan memeliharakehormatan mereka ;dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka;dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka ' atau bapa-bapa mereka atau bapa mertua mereka atau anak-anak mereka.atau anak-anak tiri mereka atau saudara-saudara mereka ' atau anak bagi saudara- saudara mereka yang lelaki' atau bagi saudara-saudara mereka ang perempuan' atau perempuan-perempuan islam' atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat perempuan; dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang tentang apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka;dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah ' wahai orang-orang beriman supaya kamu berjaya."
 Surah An Nur : ayat 31

This surah have clear statement about a muslimah should be. The discipline of a muslimah.

What we should do?=D

Care our eyes
Care our dignity
Care our clothes
Care our bounds
Please care everything about ourself
It is the PRIDE for us cause we born as muslimah.
So as a muslimah blogger
We should bring the message with us
Through our post , our written.
Always think as a muslimah thinking.

A remainder for myself too.
Take note Alifah :)
You write not as a women blogger but a muslimah blogger.

Care of it!!
Habluminallah hambluminannas
<hubungan dengan Allah , hubungan dengan manusia>.<

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Final sitting

Assalamualaikum wbt...

I'm sitting for the final now
Thanks God for all the "Nikmat"
One of them...good health.
The most important thing bile tme exam nih...
Care betul2
Always Du'a to Allah swt                
For giving the good health
To answer the exam smoothly..okeh :D

No too long post..
Just nak share Doa ni..
* kredit to Maria Elina
Bile kite dah sehabis pulun duk study kang...
At end tu...angkat tangan and Doa...

"Ya Allah ! sesungguhnya aku menitip ape yang aku baca, faham dan hafal kepadaMu .
Maka kembalikanlah ia kepadaku ketika aku memerlukannya.
Sesungguhnya engkau maha berkuasa di atas segala sesuatu."

In sha Allah ...
Dipermudah segala urusan kite okeh..

Let's get redha Allah.Let's Du'a together :D



Friday, 29 March 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt ...
Haloo sume..
How are you?
Hope you olls sume sihat wal afiat belake neh...hee
Alhamdulillah... I'm still here
I'm still have given the strenghnous from Allah swt
To write something in my post
And In sha Allah ..there's have advances to all of us too..

With the word Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
I will start my story the mory
As we can post title is Admire..right?
Hhehehh...Ko admire sape plak ni Alifah, jeng jeng
Orait...there no fall in love here...but just like my idol gituh..
Em okeh..Do you know Medya Sefira?
Medya Sefira..em mesti kenal kan...
Yang belakon dalam movie Ketika Cinta Bertasbih tu laa...
Adik kepada Azam names Ayatul Husna ..
Yang x kenal tu ...lps ni mesti kne serch you tube...okeh :D
Nk dijadikan cerita..
Yesterday ,  I was watching Bicara Selebriti 6 in you tube..
And one of the selebriti is Medya Sefira...
Before this , I already know about this girl..
But yesterday , make me lagi2  nk tau pasal Medya Sefira ni..hehe

I really 2 touching with her talks :'(
She did'nt make me cry but in word is KAGUM
Medya Sefira her name
An Engineer her job
a lecturer, her dream ...In sha Allah,soon.
A poet..her talent
And an actor Lillahitaala.
She always put Allah is the One in whatever field that she do.

Actually, she jumps into acting world because of her parent.
Her parent had heard about the audition of Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
And asked her to join the audition .
She  agreed with her parent.
And she  joined the audition.
Like what she said..
The judge need 24 person in the audition but they only found 23 person.
So, to short the story..Medya Sefira is the twenty forth person that choosen from the audition.
And what she prays is..

             Ya Allah Ya tuhanku ...jika di sinilah tempat yang terbaek 
untuk hamba mu ini 
maka engkau permudahkanlah, 
dan jika sebaliknya, 
maka engkau berilah tempat yang lagi baek yang sepatutnya aku berada.
(Kire camni la doanye)

Man jadda wa jadda
Dengan izin Allah she was choosen.
Look ... how strong the rule of du'a..kan
And yang penting mesti kene Ikhlas.Lillahitaala.

She is also very determine person. Sgt bersungguh2 dengan ape yang dia buat.
She focus in study when she act as student. She love enginering like her father.
She focus in acting when she act as actor.
If you want to know she was acting until 3 am and at 7 o'clock ..she need
Back to Bandung from Jakarta to full fill her duty as a student.
Everything is going smooth if Lillahitaala.:D

I salute this !!
She actually a passive person when she was child.
She said that, she was in white color  category which a passive children. 
She need to stay with different color to be active.
But her parent always give approached to her to achieve her talent by allowed her to join (lumba) or competition.
Her parent had taken  a good way for their children.
Yes, her parent was looking for their children future.
She alway do for make her parent happy and pround of her.
And now... she can come in front and give talk to many people. 

Here is Medya Sefira...

As conclusion...

  • Always makes our parent happy.
  • Don't forget to Du'a as our strenghnous.
  • Determination in what ever we do.

Alifah!! you have to take note this!!
And you guys...Let be a better person then tomorrow.
Sebagai saudara seislam..kite mesti saling memperingati ..right?
Ape tunggu lagi...Let's practice..
Slow..slow and yg penting istiqomah..keh:D

Jazakallahu Khairan Kasira 
( semoga Allah limpahkan kamu kebaikan sebanyak- banyaknya ):D

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Real Test

Assalamualaikum wbt...kenkawan :D

This heart was shouting so loudly...Alifahhhhhhh post something please  please :'(
Although, tomorrow I have to sit for a Plant Material's test.
I was done make my pocket notes >,< yeaa..alhamdulillah
And now, time to MUHASABAH DIRI :G 

"Allah tidak akan menimpakan sesuatu ujian kepada hambaNYA melebihi kesanggupan hamba tersebut"

Setiap dari kite mesti pernah menduduki macam-macam ujian dari Allah kan?
Kalau test yang kite duk prepare dgn baca buku segunung ,buat pocket note bagai..><me:D tu untuk kecemerlangan dunia jadi ape yg kite prepare to success for akhirah.<tye diri sendiri, ape ko buat Alifah?
Untuk ape Allah bagi ujian tu, kalau bukan test hamba-hambaNYA samaada Lulus ujian untuk masuk syurga , In sha Allah ataupun Failed!! maka tergolongla dlm calon-calon penghuni neraka.Nauzubilla
< Ya Allah minta dijauhkan kami >
Biase kite dengar kan..Allah takkan uji kite melebihi keupayaan kite tuk to face it.

Allah swt kenal setiap hamba-hambaNYA. Allah tahu  keupayaan hamba-hambaNYA
Yup, Allah tahu ape yang terbaek untuk kite, thats why la Allah bagi ujian tu untuk uji setabah , secekal , sekuat manakah kite dlm menumpuh cobaan tu.
Different person with different test.
How great Allah plan all that things?..very smooth..very means for us. Maha Suci Allah.

I have face all that things too. All the test make me very close to Allah.
Everytime when I in difficult situation..I will up my hand and pray to Allah.
Pray..pray and  a lot...and never forget to say Astaghfirullahalazim.
In Sha Allah...all is well :D

                           Fainnama al usri yusra'
                  "Setiap kesusahan ada kemudahan"

Setiap masalah pasti ade penyelesaiannya, tapi cara yg kite ambil untuk settlekn masalah tu yang jd penentu cepat atau lambat ujian tu selesai. Don't think a lot just close to Allah and In Sha Allah..we will find the way.

If Allah brings you to it, He will help you go through it as long as you remember Him in every single step.

 I remaind my self too. :"(
* Be strong Alifah..Sesungguhnya Allah bersamamu.

 Let's be a better than yesterday.Let's pray for the safe world :D

Saturday, 16 March 2013


In the name of Allah.The Most Benificent and Merciful.

I would like to talk about hijab tonight.wehee
As we know, hijab merupakan material yang kite gune untuk cover kite punye head.
Nowadays, there are so many types of hijab yang dijual di paso-paso malam, shopping-shoping complex and butik-butik.Most beautiful , colourful and cumiest2 semuanya. <Sapa rambang mata nok pilih hok ane se..><

*Tgok2, ni baru tudong bawal kot
Many things we can story de mory about hijab.
But here I just want to share my talks about  hijab.
There something I feel when I wear my hijab.
It is in the one word  which is SAFE.
Yes! The safe come firts when I wear the hijab.
Hijab is my protecter. My strenghnous.My bodyguard.
What can I say is hijab is one of myself.
But the really important when wearing the hijab,
I was fullfill my duty as a muslimah and patuh suruhanNYA.

“....dan janganlah mereka (perempuan beriman) memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh 
mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher 
bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka.....”(An-Nur : 31)

Sesunggohnya, hijablah yang melambang diri kite, siape kite,
The way we were the hijab.
whether it right or the wrong way...
Are we follow the islam rules?
check ourself..muhasabah diri .
Our mission in wearing the hijab is to get redha Allah.
If there have some mistake in our tudung fashion.
So how  kite nak dapatkan redha Allah if we not follow the guide, right?
open our mind, our heart and think carefully keh
Lets make a change...@_@

Maria Elina

Aisyah Syakirah

Dena Bahrin

Heliza Helmi

They are muslimah who proudly wear their tudung in their own style 
But still follow the guidence.
Honestly , I admire them so much.:D
They have their own personality, own background but in one faith.
Which is Islam.
Knowing them make me close to Allah swt and our Prophet Muhammad saw.

*hijab lover:)

It is so late now.
I have to stop my typing although I still have many things to share.
Thanks to Allah for this opportunity.
All the right from Allah and the mistake just from this typing girl.

Lets top up our Iman :DDD

Friday, 8 March 2013

I'm strong

Assalamualaikum Ya Akhi Ya Ukhti :)

  Mood writting is coming.... yeayyy!!!
*  woit assignment dh ciap ke blum? belumlaaa... amik mood jap,hehehh

 " Dan apabila hamba-hambaKU bertanya kepadamu mengenai Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku  sentiasa hampir kepada mereka. Aku perkenankan permohonan orang yang berdoa kepadaKu.Maka hendaklah mereka menyahut seruanku dan beriman kepadaKU."
Surah Al Baqarah, ayat :186

In sha Allah, I will finish my part two in dip. landscape architecture in this April 4. 
A lot of things happen in this semester..
Whatever it is good or bad...I done face it..yuhuuu
Did strong I am  to face all that things?
No no ... I can't be strong without
Yup!...with Allah help...
In the each of the difficult time...
Near to Allah
Pray to Allah
Make all the Allah want especially in solat.
Yes!!  we very busying with our assignment, project n bla bla
 But..plez plez care our solat
Don't left our subuh, zohor, asar , maghrib and ishak
"Tidakk asingment blum ciap agi, mane sempat nak solat"
Mane lagi penting urusan dgn manusia ke urusan dengan Allah
pikir pikir kan laaa yee
Samaada kite sedar atau tak...
Allah always with us for all the time
"Ye ke..x rase pon Allah ade ngan aku"
Alifah tipu tipuuu...
Dalam surah al baqarah ayat 186, Aku sentiasa hampir kepada mereka.Maka hendaklah mereka menyahut seruanKu dan beriman kepadaKu.
Jd kalau nak rase Allah dekat dengan kite...Kite sahutla seruan DIA. 
In sha Allah , we can feel that  Allah close with us for all time we breath.
What happen if we close to Allah ?
the greatest thing will happen...jeng jeng jeng
We will much care our solat
We will cover up our self with nice cloth
We will take care of our batas between boy n girl
And yang paling best..
We  will always think Allah in whatever we want to do

Don't forget to always lend our hand and du'a to Allah 
Du'a for everything
Give us protection
Give us strenghnous
Show us the right way
Make easier for all the things that we should do

Right kan our niat in studying , working , acting , swimming n sume perkara la
Make sure all that is lillahi taala
In sha Allah , we will get keberkatan fit dunia wal akhirah.

I think this is the time i should make a fullstop.
All the true, comes from Allah and all the mistaken comes from this caliph of Allah.
Yes! I still learn and always learn, in sha Allah
*My site for Final Project at SgSegget, Johor Bahru...Gud Luck Alifah :D

Let's up our IMAN.kbai :)